Hi everyone, thank you watching this video and I hope you will vote for me (Zoë), Lenny and our special message for you ♥
It was difficult to decide what to share but I chose this video because I feel and hope the words and what you see is a strong enough message!
It also gives a glimpse into my world and what I teach humans and their horses on a daily basis via my clinics and online training academy.
Sure Lenny is well educated and makes it all look so easy, but if you think it started that way, you are truly mistaken.
Like any relationship these things take time, they take patience. It is a relationship after all and most relationships are built on getting to know each other first and building trust over months even years.
I think it is also important to mention that getting good at bonding and being a good team is not all about kisses and cuddles. It is also about the promises we keep or break to the horse each day and educating ourselves enough so that even when we do make mistakes, the horse does not see it as an issue or something to be scared of.
They are so incredibly intelligent, kind and forgiving.
If we want the best from them, then we must be our best for them.
I find that all of the horses that I have met that were labelled a ‘problem horse’, were never the problem. Not ever. The horse most definitely had people problems and all I did was step in and give the human the information required to learn and unlearn somethings.
Resulting in happy humans and a much happier horse.
All horses of every size, age, sex, breed, discipline and including those with people problems, can be a good partner and learn how to get good with humans .
And all humans of 'most' ages, sex, background, discipline and including those who own a horse with people problems, can be a good partner and learn how to get good with horses.
Love & horsey hugs, Zoë ♥
80 reacties
true and pure partnership, very beautiful and very inspiring.
Thank you Anouk 💕
Wow, speechless! It gave me the shivers. Keep doing what you are doing! 💕
Thank you Madelon 💕
Beautifull message and partnership Zoë, you are a true inspiration! ❤️🦄
Thank you Lia 💕
Truly inspirational!
Thank you Sabine 💕
Love it!! ❤️
Thank you Ingrid 💕
Love this! This is true partnership!😍
Thank you Djenna 💕
Wow, amazing, love this way of partnership😍
Thank you Melanie 💕
Thank you Mirjam 💕
Prachtig voorbeeld van hoe een relatie tussen horse and human moet zijn ...love it 👍❤️
Thank you Vee 💕
this is real Partnership. Well done Zoe ❤️
Thank you Felix 💕
Dit is echt samenwerken. Respect en liefde. Fantastisch!
Thank you Vivian 💕
Hele mooie samenwerking waar wij nog veel van kunnen leren 😍
Thank you Stacey 💕
Prachtig filmpje om te laten zien hoe je op een hele fijne manier een mooie vertrouwensband met je paard opbouwt!! Mooi om van elkaar te leren en de inzendingen van anderen te bekijken. Love it!! Een mooie stem voor jou!
Thank you Hiske 💕
True partners; love, trust and understanding
Thank you Amber 💕
Love, trust and understanding, so clearly shown here. I wish that everyone would try to reach for this bond between them and their wonderfull, sensitive, horse. Zoe, thanks for showing the world!
Thank you Diana 💕
Love this!💕💕
Thank you Mirjam 💕
This is communication with horses at its best. A beautiful friendship between you two ❤️
Thank you Erica 💕
Love it!
Thank you Anja 💕
How cool, the first part. You just have to come up with it.
Your colleague in the contest
Thank you Denise 💕 and good luck to you too x
Supermooi! 😍
Thank you Helen 💕
Such an inspiration for all to follow!
Thank you Pascale 💕
You are chancing the world for humans and horses.
So you did years ago for Kali and me and you still do.
Thank you Jolanda 💕
I love it 💃🏻😍
Thank you Geeske 💕
Absolutely love this! It is the connection between you two that speaks so loud! Keep on doing what you’re doing cause it’s amazing! ❤️
Thank you Melissa 💕
I always love how you use your Horsemanship in a practical way, and even more how your horses can't wait to participate ❤️
Thank you Eva 💕
You’ve done an excellent job with that gorgeous horse! It’s always a joy to watch a pair that has build such a great bond and connection. I suppose that is what we are all trying to reach for when working with our horses. It’s just a pity that it takes a lot of time, a rare commodity in this day and age unfortunately… You also made a very good point about patience when opening gates, but some of us just have a need for speed. 😉 Some horses, like people, enjoy life at a fast pace! 😂
lol....thank you 💕
Feels so inspiring to see you both so aligned!
Thank you Jenneke 💕
Taking time in this hasty world is such a gift for the horses. Beautiful :)
Thank you Barbara 💕
Beautiful to see how strong your bond is 🥰
Thank you Ilona 💕
I always loved your work!
Thank you Sabine, same to you 💕
Thank you sweet Allison 💕
Good luck Zoë & Lenny! Love you!
Thank you Janet, love back from us 💕
You and Lenny deserve to win!
Thank you 💕
Love to see Zoë working with horses. She is good for them, so they are good for her. She deserves to win with her hard work and love for horses
Awww thank you Jose 💕
A beautiful friendship, so much mutual respect and love
Thank you Vivian 💕
Such a lovely couple
Thank you Martine 💕
I love to see the two of you!
Thank you Angela 💕
Blijvend inspirerend! Zo mooi om te zien en te volgen! 😊
Thank you Kitty 💕
For the funniest voice in the equestrian world
lol....thank you buddy 💕
Inspiring story..😊
Thank you Maurice 💕