"The horses are already so very loyal. I believe it is our obligation to simply be loyal in return" and by that I mean it is always better if we study who they are first and as a species so they get a better deal after each interaction with us.
I love learning about horses and as the years pass by even more so.
I began teaching full time in 2007 and have travelled the globe to study with the worlds best to fulfill my duty of loyalty to them.
Since only a small handful of professionals have the opportunity to be so lucky to expand our education globetrotting, I realised it was a shame because so many people were missing out on some great information. That is part of the reason I created my Get Good with Horses Online Training Academy and is where I share everything I have learned and continue to learn and develop. Currently I also have my own team of Trainee & Graduate Instructors of whom all I am incredibly proud of.
In short, if we are to talk about horsemanship and education, I think it can can be defined in several areas.
For example: whilst the human is learning, often there will be quite a lot of focus on technique, body coordination and timing. After some time and depending on the prior and present experience of the human and the horse in question, we can start to look at testing things so they start to become a normal part of daily life. This then leaves room for advancements of what they know already and the room to learn new and greater things.
This is great because it means the feeling or need to teach the horse or practice all of the time can become less and I find is often the place where magic can happen.
That is what you see in this video with my beautiful Lenny. I never asked for this combination of exercises altogether and like this prior to this video. It really was a first ask and a one take which I think makes it even more special.
To explain: the result of what you see here is based on some isolated exercises/languages:
- Back through the gate
- Hunt my hand with the hind quarters
- Sideways to mount
That’s is it! So you see, I don’t have to teach these isolations anymore, the separate exercises became a language and a normal thing. So if I combine them together it just makes sense and he knows exactly what to do as if we were having a regular conversation.
The stick is used as an extension, so if he missed my hand signal which is vertical, I can remind him or support with a stick signal which is horizontal and was the basic language how he learned each exercise in the first place. I also work using energy signals and some vocal ques and well, I just get such a kick out of teaching people and seeing the smile on their faces when the realise they can learn things like this too.
The way I see it is, if I can get a horse to do things like this, what else can I get them to do? Piaffe with little pressue, laydown, jump at Liberty! You name it, it is all there and I love sharing that with people just like you!
When you believe in yourself,
your horse will believe in you
when you believe in your horse,
all your dreams can & will come true
- Zoë Coade
- Horse Professional (based in the Netherlands since 2007)
- Founder of Get Good with Horses Courses, Academy, Clinics & Shop
- Award winning Author & Poet
- Writer for Bit&Cap & Horsemanship Journal Magazines
42 reacties
Hoi Zoe, wat een leuke inzending! Je hebt mij wel nieuwsgierig gemaakt. Als jouw paard zulke kleine dingen zoals het opstappen al zo goed doet, wat kunnen jullie nog meer? Ik ben heel benieuwd en hoop dat we jullie terug zien in de (halve) finale! Heel veel succes in de contest!
heel erg bedankt ♥
Zoë, you inspire me everyday! Succes with the contest, you already are the winner!
Thank you Vivian ♥
Zoë, you’re the best!
*blush* thank you Sabine ♥
You ve opened a whole new world for ( real) horselovers and their horses. Thank you for all your efforts to change the way we approach our horses and partner up with them and for your inspiration and love. Love, Diana R.
Thank you Diana, means a lot ♥
Feeding us with a tea spoon instead of showering us with information and knowledge is one of Zoe's many strenghts. Building layers. A great horsewoman and great teacher.
Thank you Anouk, precious words to me ♥
Zo leuk hoe je mensen meeneemt in jouw lessen en clinics om de paarden beter te begrijpen en een mooiere band tussen mens & paard op te bouwen
Felicia, heel erg bedankt ♥
Zoe doesn’t do tricks, but explains new things step by step in a logical order. Combine things together makes the magic happen. 💪
Thank you Ilse ♥
Good luck to you Zoë in the contest and keep up your wonderful work.
Thank you Janet ♥
😍😍 - zo’n fijn filmpje weer.
Marieke, heel erg bedankt ♥
Prachtig hoe jij en Kheelen samenwerken en hoe jij anderen leert hun paard te begrijpen en op een zo licht/zacht mogelijke manier te trainen, met een flinke dosis humor en enthousiasme. Je kan paard en mens in hun kracht zetten.
Hopelijk winnen jullie 🤞
Rachel heel erg bedankt ♥
Zoë is een fantastische, empathische grappige paarden vakvrouw !!
Louise heel erg bedankt ♥
You are the best Teacher ever!!!
Lilian that's very sweet, thank you ♥
Ik geniet altijd van filmpjes waarop slimme mensen laten zien hoe ze ongedwongen met een intelligent paard kunnen communiceren.
Karel heel erg bedankt ♥
Wat heb ik veel van jou mogen leren Zoë. Je moet sowieso winnen want er zijn nog zoveel paarden onbegrepen.
Zet hem op!
Maya heel erg bedankt ♥
Ik hoop dat je in de halve fi ale zit🍀🙏ik heb helaas maar 1 keer les van je gehad met Djunky ,daarna brak de droes uit waar ik haar door verloor maar was zeer leerzaam 🤗😘
Mirjam heel erg bedankt ♥
Dear Zoë: You rock! Xxx
You always helped me and inspired me
Alexandra heel erg bedankt ♥
Dear Zoë,
I'm a big fan of your work with horses. You always keep it natural and the horse always comes first. Keep on rocking the Horse Community. ❤️
Danke schön ❤️🥰❤️
Zoe I’m a big fan, you are amazing ❤️
Thank you Marieke ❤️🫶🥰
Mede dankzij Zoe heb ik mijn band met allerliefste Bell nog meer kunnen verdiepenen! De rust , het vertrouwen, het gevoel dat je samen bent….
Ook nu ik niet meer actief met Bell kan rijden / trainen , weet Zoe iedere keer op unieke wijze een enorme inspiratiebron aan te spreken! Ik ben iedere keer blij als ik blije Zoe zie!!
Thank you sweet Sabine ❤️🫶❤️
Zoë is always very passionate and involved with you and your horse!
Thank you Anja ❤️🫶
Force free with love ❤️
Thank you Inge ❤️🫶